In This Episode:
This week we take a look at the strange world of personalities. Bryan kicks things off by discussing learning styles and whether or not they really have an impact on us or not. Sean discusses the interesting challenge of designing for apps and platforms that have a personality of their own, and how we design for the personality of our users. Finally, Sam closes things out by considering how we quantify and group personalities through various tests such as the Myers-Briggs, DISC, and the Big Five.
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Show Notes & Links
- WebMD: Weather triggering migraines
- Sean’s Blog Post: The Stress is Real
- Alcoholics Anonymous
Bryan: Learning Styles (Starts at 1:53)
- Overview of Learning Styles
- Sean’s STEM Experience
- Wikipedia: Learning Styles
- Wikipedia: iPAQ
- StackExchange: Audiobooks for Programmers
- SparkNotes: Base Case and Recursion
- All of the Above: Episode 008: Writing, with John Saddington
- NYU Article: Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence
- PBS: The Santa Squeeze
- Institute of Education Sciences: Teacher to Student Ratio Map
- The Washington Post: The Flip
- Adayana: One of the many companies in the adult learning industry
Sean: Designing for, and with, Personality (Starts at 11:58)
- UX Lady: Using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) for User Personas
- Facebook Data Science: What’s on your mind?
- Twitter Corporate Blog: What’s Happening?
- Know Your Meme: You Are Now Breathing Manually
- The Guardian: Facebook Rants & Bikini Pics
- CARROT’s Website
- iOS App: CARROT To-Do - Talking Task List
- iOS App: CARROT Alarm - Talking Alarm Clock
- The New York Times: Why I Use Snapchat
- Slate: Snapchat makes Facebook users feel old
- Snapchat Corporate Blog: Discover
- The Hollywood Reporter: Comedy Central’s Snapchat Discover Web Series
- Ello Corporate Blog: What is Ello?
- All of the Above on Ello
Sam: Quantification of Personalities (Starts at 24:09)
- Human Scavenger Hunt PDF
- Nodes Agency: Tinder, etc.
- Wikipedia: DISC Assessment
- Wikipedia: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- 16Personalities:
- Bryan is an INFJ Princess
- Sam is an ENTJ Horseback General
- Sean is just in the middle of a puzzle, being an INTP
- Wikipedia: Big Five Personality Traits
- Parks & Recreation: Swanson Pyramid of Greatness
- SlideShare: Beliefs, Values, and Attitudes + Behavior
- Bloomberg: Big Data, Advertising, and Your Poor Children
- Amazon: Kurt Vonnegut’s Hocus Pocus
- ScienceDaily: Confirmation Bias
- XKCD Forums: Google and Confirmation Bias
- Dictionary: Platitude
- Daring Fireball: The Plus in Google Plus
- DuckDuckGo Web Search
- DuckDuckGo: Don’t Track Us
- DuckDuckGo: Don’t Bubble Us